Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Surprise Or Disbeliefs

Sekarang kita akan belajar Surprise Or Disbeliefs
apa itu ??

Suprise Or Disbelief is An expression that we show/say when we know /hear/see something that rather difficult to believe and surprise or disbelief used to express something that we can't or impossible.

To Express surprise :
- What a surprise!
- That's a surprise
- Well that's very surprising
- Really ?
- What ?
- Are you serious? You must be joking
- You're kidding!
- Fancy That!
- I must say..... surprise me

Surprising amazement of something :
- Fantastic!
- Wonderful
- It's Great!
- It's terrific
- Wow, that's amazing!
- It's very nice
- Impressive

When you got a surprising fact, you can say :
- Do You Know What ?
- Believe it or not ?
- You may not believe it but...
- Can you believe this ?

Respons :
- Really ?
- Are you sure ?
- Are you joking ?
- Where ? Show Me

Example Surprise :
Dodi : Do You know what ? My father bought me computer yesterday
Adit : Wow, It's very nice.



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